Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 5

Another 3 pounds!

That puts me at 209 lbs.
A total weight loss of 18 Pounds.
And SO happy :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Week 4

Nutrisystem's schedule is on 4 weeks. So, today is my official 4 week mark.
Another 3 pounds!
So in 4 weeks I lost a grand total of 15 pounds!
That sounds great, it really does.
Somehow in my mind this means I should be able to wear a bikini .. sigh... Ah the cruelty of it all!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

4 Week pictures

It's a little depressing to not be able to see much of a result so far. Sometimes I want to scream:
But, Patience Mama. You didn't get this big in 4 weeks.....

So here are my 4 week pictures. Nutrisystem goes in 4 week sets, so that's how I'll go :) I'll wait for my official Wednesday Morning weigh in to disclose the numbers!

PS, If you click on the pictures they blow up, so be careful, it's kind of scary ;). But... seeing it all blown up, I can see a few changes here and there. Good, now I can go to bed and not be bummed :)

PS2, I had to come back and add. It bugs me that I don't smile in pictures anymore. I know it's because I don't like to have pictures taken. But it's another one of those things I hope will change :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Week 3

4 Pounds!
OK, truthfully, I had the flu for 3 days ;), BUT I also had a VERY bad day on Saturday. Fell off the wagon. Yup, sure did. Dang good box of Girl Scout Cookies too!

My favorite snack right now is sauteed mushrooms, onions and zucchini seasoned with Curry. If you would have told me 3 weeks ago I would actually like this, I would have said "Yeah right". I think it has something to do with the fact that after eating my concoction I feel full, satisfied yet not stuffed.

I wish I could say I feel healthier. But I've been so sick, I can't tell. But I can tell my clothes feel different.

Funny story. Being high on my weight loss, I giddily tried on 2 summer dresses. Yeah, when you're as big as I am, 12 pounds does not make enough a difference to all of a sudden be "cute". It's all still that proverbial "Flag on a Mud-ship" :)

But that makes 12 pounds! I'll take it!
I was going to take pictures, but like I said 12 pounds, at my size... you can't tell ;)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Week 2

2 pounds :(

I know, I know.... patience.
2 lbs. is better than nothing.

Bleh. It's so easy to put on, no fair!
But I'll take it